NRGcolour NRG is one of St. Lawrence’s  exciting midweek groups for children.

It’s for First School Children – Reception to Year 4. There are lots of activities and it’s great fun.

It meets every Monday during term time in our church hall. There’s a welcome, with drinks and a snack, straight after school from 3.30pm onwards, before NRG starts at 4.00pm. It ends at 5.30p.m.

There is a small charge of £2 per week to cover the cost of NRG.

NRG+ is our club for young people in school years 5-8

It meets at the same time as NRG, 4.00-5.30pm (with drinks & a snack from 3.30), on Monday evenings during term time in the church hall.

It would be great to see you there.

To find out more about NRG & NRG+, just call 01782 513891 or contact the Church Office.